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Music Exams

a guitar beside sheet music

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

We give our learners the option to sit International Music Exams if desired. Our programmes of learning are aligned to international standards of attainment, making it possible for our learners to sit exams when ready, right from Early Years (age 3) through to Diploma standard. 

Why Take International Music Exams?

  • They provide reassurance that learning is on the right track and in line with internationally recognised benchmarks.

  • They give candidates a sense of purpose while learning and a boost to confidence when successfully accomplished

  • They provide an objective assessment of areas that need improvement

  • They are conducted by respected and independent musicians who are highly trained and whose work is monitored

  • Higher grades can be used to earn credits against admission to higher institutions in some countries. Some grades are recognised as equivalent to some units of GCSE Music exams

What Exams Do We Offer?

    We prepare our learners to sit exams that are best suited to their instrument and their stage of learning. We are an approved exam centre for a vareity of exam boards for both online and in-person exams and are able to offer a wide range of exams from Early Years through to Diploma.

What are the requirements for taking exams?

    Requirements vary depending on the discipline, the exam board and the type of exam. However, some themes are common to all practical exams:
    – Having an appropriate instrument on which to take the exam.
    – Having original copies of the exam pieces.
    – Being able to perform the specified number of pieces as well as technical exercises where appropriate to a high standard.
      For more details on the different exam board requirements, cut off marks and how we prepare candidates for exams, we invite you to access our free resource, a Parent’s Guide to International Music Exams.
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